- Shingle style
- американский термин для обозначения английского архитектурного стиля 1870-х - 1880-х годов - одного из течений Викторианского стиля
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian architecture dictionary. 2015.
Shingle-Style — [ ʃɪȖglstaɪl; englisch »Schindelstil«] der, , amerikanischer Landhausstil (um 1870 90), dessen Bauten mit Holzschindeln oder Flachziegeln verkleidet sind. Charakteristisch ist auch, dass die Innenräume zueinander oder auch nach außen geöffnet… … Universal-Lexikon
Shingle style — In the U.S., a style of wood shingle covered domestic architecture of the 1870s and 80s. Among the finest examples are Henry Hobson Richardson s Sherman House (1874–75), Newport, R.I., and Stoughton House (1882–83), Cambridge, Mass. The style… … Universalium
SHINGLE STYLE — See VICTORIAN ARCHITECTURE … Historical Dictionary of Architecture
Shingle — can refer to: *A flat covering element for a roof, including **Shake (roof) **Roof shingle * Shingle beach, especially in Western Europe, a beach composed of pebbles * Shingle, an algorithm to detect duplicate documents in search engine *… … Wikipedia
shingle — shingle1 [shiŋ′gəl] n. [prob. < Scand, as in Norw singel, akin to MDu singele, coastal detritus < ?] Chiefly Brit. 1. large, coarse, waterworn gravel, as found on a beach 2. an area, as a beach, covered with this shingly adj. shingle2… … English World dictionary
Style Reine Anne — Style Queen Anne Une maison américaine de style Queen Anne style home à Lebanon dans l Illinois. Le style Queen Anne est un style architectural anglo saxon qui atteignit son apogée dans le dernier quart du XIX … Wikipédia en Français
shingle — shingle1 shingler, n. /shing geuhl/, n., v., shingled, shingling. n. 1. a thin piece of wood, slate, metal, asbestos, or the like, usually oblong, laid in overlapping rows to cover the roofs and walls of buildings. 2. a woman s close cropped… … Universalium
style — styleless, adj. stylelessness, n. stylelike, adj. /stuyl/, n., v. styled, styling. n. 1. a particular kind, sort, or type, as with reference to form, appearance, or character: the baroque style; The style of the house was too austere for their… … Universalium
Style Queen Anne — Une maison américaine de style Queen Anne style home à Lebanon dans l Illinois. Le style Queen Anne est un style architectural anglo saxon qui atteignit son apogée dans le dernier quart du XIXe siècle. Il est marqué par l influence de… … Wikipédia en Français
Shingle Inn — The Shingle Inn is a Brisbane restaurant and bakery franchise which commenced with the flagship store in Edward Street, Brisbane in 1936 as a Tudor inn style restaurant. It is one of the oldest continuing restaurants in the city of Brisbane [http … Wikipedia
Queen Anne Style architecture — The Queen Anne Style is a style of architecture, furniture and decoration that reached its greatest popularity in the last quarter of the 19th century, manifesting itself in a number of different ways in different countries. It consisted largely… … Wikipedia